
Thursday, March 27, 2014

SP #7: Unit Q Concept 2: Finding All Trig Functions When Given One Trig Function and Quadrant (Using Identities)

Given this problem:

Find the missing trig functions.

Using Identities

The first thing that you need to do for this problem is find the hypotenuse. Do this by using the Pythagorean Theorem. You should get rad34. 
We know that:
Tanx= -5/3
Secx= -\|34/3

If tan & sec are negative the. We know we are in the 2nd quadrant. To find sin, cos, csc, cot, we use the ratios. Go back to unit N if you need to review the ratios. If you need help look at the picture for reference.

A viewer needs to pay special attention to the two different methods of solving these trigonometric functions. Even though it uses both identities and the old SOHCAHTOA method, the answers still turn out the same. This shows that one can use either identities or SOHCAHTOA to solve for different trig functions, because they both work for the same problem.

This SP was made in collaboration with Bryan Arciniega.

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