
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

WPP 13-14: Unit P Concepts 6-7: Application of the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines

The Ultimate Crossover Finale: Part 1
Bryan and Sarah are on the same team when playing capture the flag. However, whoever gets to the enemy's flag first will win all the glory for their team. They are 47 yards apart on an east-west line. Between them in the distance, they see the enemy's flag mounted on a pedestal. Bryan's bearing to the flag is N 23 degrees E, while Sarah's bearing to the flag is N 36 degrees W. Find each person's distance from the flag. Who is closer? (Round your answers to the nearest hundreth.)

The Ultimate Crossover Finale: Part 2

Bryan and Sarah are now working as lifeguards. Bryan and Sarah's life guard post are 550 feet apart. Sarah spots a person in need at 213°. Being a great mathematician, Sarah calculates she is 700 feet away from this person. How far is Bryan from the person in need?

                                        This WPP was made in collaboration with Bryan Arciniega.

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